
Biology Lab

School has an intricately designed Biology Laboratory planned to meet the demands of the advancement in science and technology. The laboratory apparatus ranges from simple slides, test-tube, petridishes to the composite microscopes of varying powers to observe samples and organisms closely. They are high-powered, extremely expensive, and sensitive pieces of equipments that can make even the smallest part of a single cell seem clear.

Besides the aforesaid the laboratory also has charts, models and specimens meant for demonstrations. The exhaust system efficiently sustains a comfortable environment in the room even while performing experiments requiring chemicals that let out fumes.



School is providing a completely facilitated bus services covering ..... read more

Computer Lab

Computer Lab

The school has spacious computer lab. The entire campus is networked and INTRANET & INTERNET ..... read more

School Library

School Library

The school has a library with more than 5,000 books and more than ..... read more

Audio-Visual Room

Audio-Visual Room

The school has a well-equipped Audio- Visual room with computer.LCD Projector and Audio ..... read more

Chemistry Lab

Chemistry Lab

The Chemistry Lab is well furnished with latest technology and get ..... read more

Physics Lab

Physics Lab

The School is proud to have a sophisticated Physics Laboratory with ..... read more

Councilling Centre

Councilling Centre

The counselling Centre helps the children in the holistic development of their personality by ..... read more